Interested in Internships?

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Are you still looking for that perfect summer job? What if this summer you tried an internship? Internships are typically jobs that relate to your chosen field, but many people choose to do different types of internships to learn skills that might help them later on. Many places hire interns for summer and then end up keeping interns into the school year. Here are some ways to ensure that you get the internship that is just right for you. 

  1. Check Handshake: Handshake is a website and app that is specifically designed with college students in mind. The system is very similar to Linkedin, so it allows you to search for jobs in your desired field. Unlike LinkedIn, the listings are all meant for college students. You can even program your account so that it knows your major and your interests and can recommend jobs specific to you. Making an account is super easy, and you can do it through your MSU email account. 
  2. Visit the Excel Network: The Excel Network is a program that helps students in the College of Arts and Letters find jobs both in college and beyond. The people who work there are amazing at finding internships that will help you achieve your goals. 
  3. Talk to your advisor: Advisors in your college are ideal  resources to know what internships are available in your chosen field. They usually will be able to point you in multiple directions on where to find these, and they can help you  potentially attach college credit to it. Also, your advisor likely sends you emails about opportunities—be sure to read them!
  4. Reach out to your professors: If you have a professor who you know you can go to for help, talk to them and ask if they know anyone hiring interns. They can also give you a recommendation for that job! 
  5. Look on social media: Often, different programs will post about their job openings on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Try to look for organizations that you are passionate about and see if they have any postings about internships. 

The key is to always be ready; you never really know what opportunities are around the corner! It takes patience and perhaps a few rejections, but as long as you keep your eyes and ears open, you can find an internship that you love.