Take Some Time For Yourself This Summer

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After this past year, I think we all need summer to refresh from all of the collective hardships we have had this year. As society transitions into something that is more like the world we lived in before the pandemic, it is important to acknowledge that we need to take our time to refresh from what has been an overwhelming year. Luckily for students, summer is a great time to do this! Here is a list of some great options: 

  1. Read a book – This is always a great option if you are needing something to do this summer vacation. Reading is a great form of escapism and research shows that it can lead to less stress than other activities. It does not matter what you read, but what you are reading. 
  2. Go explore nature – Going outside and getting some fresh air is a great way to refresh the mind and body. A calming walk through a nature trail, or even around your block, is a great way to get out some energy. I feel that I think more clearly after a walk than I do after any other activity. 
  3. Learning a new skill for fun – Oftentimes, when we learn a new skill, we want to then immediately use it for a purpose. There is nothing wrong with this, but learning something for your enjoyment can be magical. 
  4. Trying new foods – Whether it is cooking something new or going out to a local restaurant, trying new foods is awesome for recovery. It allows you to explore different functions of foods that you did not think of. In the ending, cooking is a creative endeavor and it is an amazing way to learn new things. 
  5. Respecting that you need time and space – In the end, it might seem like we must jump into the “normal” society before the pandemic, but this is not necessarily the case. We all deserve to ease back into the world in our own time. It’s okay to turn down going out with friends, it’s okay to need to take some time to relax. In addition, we need to respect that this transition will be different for everybody. 

In the end, summer is a time where you should absolutely take time for yourself. Giving yourself this time will allow you to be able to move into the future refreshed and ready to reenter whatever society does next.