Congratulations, Citizen Scholars, the end of the fall semester is almost here! It took a lot of grit, resilience, and determination to get through this unprecedented semester, but now comes the final push to reach the finish line. As you prepare for your finals, here are a few tips, resources, and suggestions to help your finals week go smoothly.

  1. Write things down! That planner you bought but never used? Now is the time to pull it out. Writing things down can feel overwhelming at first, but it is important to keep track of deadlines so that you don’t miss any important due dates. You’ll see this tip everywhere because it’s so important. Whether you use a digital calendar, a traditional planner, or a to-do list, writing down assignments is critical.
  2. Break things into achievable chunks. You’ll put that essay off until the last minute if you see it as a huge, daunting task on your to-do list. Instead, break it down as much as you need to, even if the first step is, “Open a document and write your name down.” Breaking these big projects into smaller sections is going to help you feel more in control as you check off each item, and it truly makes the workload feel less overwhelming when you see how each task fits into your overall schedule.
  3. Go to office hours! It’s not too late to show your professors that you care. It shows them that you want to succeed. By asking questions about your exam or project, your professor may share some insight that helps bump up your grade or be more understanding when they grade your essay if they know you struggled on a certain section but put in the effort to try to understand it.
  4. Review MSU’s satisfactory/not satisfactory grading policy (S/NS) here, or go ahead and schedule an appointment with your advisor here. Different departments have different policies and different graduation requirements, but the S/NS option can remove a lot of stress from finals week, especially for students struggling right now. You can also talk to your CS advisor, LaDonna Croffe, for insight.
  5. Find the balance between working hard and taking care of yourself. It is so easy to lose motivation and immediately head to TikTok or Netflix, but remember that the end is almost here. Use those things as a reward for getting things done.
  6. Have an accountability partner. Whether it is your roommate or your mom, have someone hold you accountable for that task you have to get done but are really dreading. Give them your phone if you have to, or ask them to pester you about a project everytime they see you taking an unnecessary break.  
  7. Don’t go for an all-nighter. You need sleep to remember things, and those hours spent studying are not going to be spent remembering. Even if you only get a few hours each night, it’s better than nothing at all. 
  8. Have your own version of a midnight scream. If you are on campus, have fun screaming at midnight to get the stress out. If you are at home, your scream might have to take a different form so you don’t scare your neighbors, but you can still let off steam. Take a quick drive where you scream along to your favorite songs, or settle for a silent scream on Zoom with friends if that’s your only option. The tradition exists for a reason. It makes you feel silly, gets some stress out of your system, and energizes you for that late-night studying.

You’ve got this, Citizen Scholars! The holidays are so close, so don’t let them be full of worrying about your final grades. Put in the extra effort now so that you can fully relax during break, and know that we are here for support if you need it.