Schedule like a Pro

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Scheduling can be a touch tricky at times, but luckily there are plenty of people here to help you at Michigan State University. This semester we are switching over to a new system,, which might be different from what you are used to. With this in mind, we decided to compile a list of steps for you to complete your scheduling and get all the classes you want for next year. 

  1. Meet with your advisor – Speaking with your advisor is a great first step when doing anything in college, but especially as it relates to scheduling season. In general, you should be meeting with your advisor once a semester and attending a meeting with the advisor in all of your majors and minors. For scheduling, you should try to shoot for mid- April, and the earlier you can plan a date for this, the better. For example, if you are studying secondary English education with a minor in TESOL, you should be meeting with the English advisor, the TESOL advisor, and an advisor in the College of Education. In this meeting, be sure to have some classes in mind that you want to take for next semester, which you can find through your requirements page on your major’s website. Together, you and your advisor can assemble the classes that you need to take next year to be on track. 
  2. Plan your schedule – Once you have a list of classes that you will take next year, try to prepare a draft for your classes. This is done preferably before your enrollment date. You can do this by going to “classes,”and then clicking on “class search and enroll.” When you find a class that you like, click add to “shopping cart” and then repeat for all of your classes. Once you have done this, you can check to make sure none of your classes are occurring at the same time. An important thing to remember is, even if you plan your schedule here, the classes still might fill up before your scheduling date, so be sure to have a back up plan just in case. 
  3. Check your scheduling date – Everyone gets a different day and time to schedule their classes on. Typically, scheduling begins with honors students, seniors, juniors, sophomore, and freshmen. When you get the email that says when you are scheduling, be sure to save it or jot it down in your calendar. But, if you forget, you can find the new student portal under “Enrollment dates.” 
  4. Enroll in your classes – Scheduling, to be honest, is kind of like getting concert tickets, just maybe less exciting. You want to log on to your schedule at exactly the time you are supposed to begin scheduling. Then, once you are at your planned schedule, click on each class that you want to take, and press “Enroll.” Once you have completed all the steps there, you should be set for your classes in the fall. Remember, the faster you get your schedule taken care of, the more likely it is that you are able to take the classes that you want. 

What if… 

  • It is saying I do not have the prerequisite? – If you do have the prerequisite for that course, email your advisor. It might take them a day or two to get back to you, but rest assured, they will absolutely help. If you are an honors student who does not need prerequisites and still cannot enroll, email your honors advisor for more guidance.
  • The class is full? – Start by getting on a waitlist for that class. Extra spots open up in classes often this time of year, so you might get into the class that way. If it is a degree requirement, talk to your advisor and see if it is in your best interest to email the professor of the course and ask to be added. If all else fails, see what other courses are a requirement or another class that sounds fun, and take one of those instead. 

With these steps in mind, you should be well on your way to being able to take all the classes you love next semester! If all else fails, keep calm and remember that the process will work out and you can also ask for help if you need it. Reach out to your advisors, but be patient! This is a busy time for them, too.