Aspiration -> Reward -> Higher Achievement
Mission Statement
The Citizen-Scholars Program is an innovative undergraduate initiative in the College of Arts and Letters, which supplements regular coursework while supporting and challenging students on their academic journey. Open to all incoming freshmen with a major in the College of Arts and Letters, the program invites students to Aspire to become Citizen-Scholars through successful academic performance, civic and community engagement, and completing the knowledge-building and skill-building accomplishments defined by the program. Students who fulfill the initial requirements are eligible to apply for Citizen-Scholar status and the Reward of significant funding for educational enrichment such as study abroad, study away, or internship support. As Citizen-Scholars, students are expected to continue their engagement and Higher Achievement, preparing to become tomorrow’s leaders in creating solutions to the social, political, and cultural challenges of our globally intertwined world, and catalysts for positive, inclusive social transformation.
CS Digital Badging System
This badging system, developed specifically for the Citizen-Scholars Program, allows students to record their achievements and make them visible to prospective employers, creating a permanent archive of experiences, projects, and accomplishments that ground the skills on the student’s resume. It can be added to and accessed through the student’s Linked-In page, electronic resume, or other digital site.
The Comprehensive Citizen-Scholars Badge is earned by completing coursework, annual, and specifically-themed accomplishments over the student’s entire undergraduate career.
Global Leadership
Professional Networking
Research and Creative Activity
Civic Engagement
Program structure and requirements lead students through the steps that help them to achieve success in their college careers, and to go on to lead lives that are meaningful to themselves and to society. The CS Program is grounded in recognized best practices in undergraduate education, including multi-faceted mentoring, guided engagement with community, experiential learning, cross-cultural encounters, and consistent reflection—in a range of media—on the significance and implications of these interactions and experiences.